1. What was your experience like in elem/middle/high school?
In elementary school, our class was able to visit the computer lab once a week. Our assignments in the computer lab were mostly learning to type activities. Once we were finished with the assigned task, we were able to log onto the "fun-brain" website and play games.
In middle school, I took an interesting Photoshop class that I enjoyed very much. Our teacher gave us assignments such as, make your own cereal box, movie poster, etc., and it involved a lot of creativity. We were able to take pictures and upload them to our assignment and it was really interesting to learn about and explore something new.
In high school my computer class was a little more advanced than my middle school class. We were told to create a cruise ship and make a menu for the restaurant, a list of activities on board the ship, and more. My teacher did a quick demonstration of our activity to introduce it to us and then passed out handouts that had a step by step procedure of the assignment. Once we were finished with one handout, we would submit it and were allowed to get a head start on the next handout. I enjoyed that a lot because I am a fast learner and I always finished earlier than my classmates. Since I completed my work before everyone, I wasn't waiting around until people caught up to me.
2. Did you do more than just website research?
Sometimes my teachers would rent out the computer lab or computers in the library when there was a big research project due and we would be able to work on it in class. I find it hard to work on a paper during class time. I can concentrate better when I set a date and time to work on something and am working in a quiet space.
3. Did things ever work?
Being introduced to the next assignment while still working on the task at hand is helpful so I am not waiting for the rest of the class to catch up to me.
4. What was the best activity (web based, digital) that you did?
The best activity was in middle school when we played around with photoshop. It allowed the class to explore the new tool and be creative. It was fun to look at all of the other students finished projects. I always looked forward to computer class because I was eager to finish my current project.
5. What about your experience do you want for your future? What do you not want?
I definitely want to do more activities that highlights students' creativity and to be given the opportunity to work on something else if I finish early with the current project. I do not have something particular that I am uninterested in for the future. I am always open to new techniques and tools of technology!
My class use to take part in the computer lab visits as well! As younger kids it was actually exciting for us to get out of the traditional classroom and move to another area to type and do projects. A lot of the time it was actually a distraction though and sometimes we didn't get our work done as efficiently as we should have. When we did focus though, the typing exercises and projects we did were very helpful. Just like you I always had some exposure to computers and technology at some point in Elem, Middle, and High School.